Miami – Miami Dolphins' players Kenny Stills and Albert Wilson, alumni Mark Duper, cheerleaders and mascot TD visited the Miami VA Healthcare System and West Palm Beach VA Medical Center on 9/11 to honor those who have served our country.
"Having (the Dolphins) in the hospital is great for our veterans. They were so happy, they are very excited. Some of them are very sick and just seeing them just makes them so happy. I have a patient that told me that, 'I saw them from the pain clinic. I was in pain – as soon as I saw them – the pain disappeared.' You couldn't ask for more," Miami VA Healthcare System Chief of Medical Administration Service Titilola Olugbakinro said. "It's like a healing therapy for (the patients) to see (the Dolphins players). We are very happy that they came out of their busy time to come and visit us today."

"During Sept. 11, I believe I was in fourth grade. I was getting ready for school. We ended up seeing the first building hit while I was at home," Stills said. "It's a really tragic day. A day I don't forget. So it's really important for us to be here today and try to bring some happiness and put smiles on people's faces."
During the visit, the Dolphins signed autographs and distributed Miami Dolphins' T-shirts and notepads.
"Going through what I'm going through, I'm really emotional. And for something (like the Dolphins to visit), how can you time it so well to make something like this happen when I'm here going through what I'm going through," patient Dwight Artis said in his recovering from spinal cord surgery. "I know I'm going to get better, but this is my motivation."