What are you most thankful for as a Dolphins fan?

Dave Buchler, Finatics.com
I purchased my first season tickets in 1990, so I am so thankful that I got to see Dan Marino play for 10 seasons. When Marino was on the field and we were behind in the fourth quarter, I knew that the Dolphins were going to make a comeback! I am still a season ticket holder and I am also thankful that I get to attend every home game with my friends and tailgate family.
Dave Gray, The Dolphins Make Me Cry
I'm thankful for the connections I've made with other fans. The Dolphins are a reason to get together with my friends and family. They have allowed me to meet and share experiences with so many different people from across the country.
Matt Kent, Phinzone.com
My earliest childhood memories are filled with the Miami Dolphins. I come from a family of eight boys raised by an incredible single mother. Mom was a Dolphins fan and five of my brothers are huge Dolphins fans. We have been through all of the ups and downs of the team, and I love the way we bond over Dolphins football. Now in our middle ages, it always gives us a common platform to keep in touch and to talk about our Fins. I know that will continue until we die. -

Carl Leone, Bitchin' Dave's
I am most thankful for Don Shula and his leadership, his character and his determination to win within the rules with sportsmanship and honor. I can remember a bunch of times we took a knee at the 5-yard line rather than run up the score on an opponent. Coach Shula not only lead us to victory but he established our franchise as having the highest winning percentage of all the franchises in all the four major sports. He made us proud to be Dol-Fans and I am thankful I got to live through that. Thanks Coach Shula!!
Brian Miller, PhinPhanatic.com
I am most thankful to my wife, Barb. For the last 11 years, she has given me the opportunity to visit Miami at least once a season for the team's Web Weekend event. This year, she joined me on my first trip to New York for MetLife Takeover, but she stayed at our camp site with the kids so I could attend the game. She re-arranged her vacation schedule so that I could attend Jason Taylor's Hall of Fame induction and the after party in August. Last season, she made arrangements so that I could attend the Dolphins' event over the Thanksgiving holiday despite the fact she works in retail. My wife has always supported my love of the Dolphins and continues to go the extra mile by unselfishly sacrificing her vacations and work schedule to oblige my desire to see the team in person.
Simon Myers, Dolfan UK
I'm thankful for being a member of Dolfan UK, otherwise I wouldn't have had the chance to meet and be interviewed by Joe Rose for his segment "Cup Of Joe" on dolphins.com! Dan Marino used my pen to sign some autographs. I will never use that pen again!

Kevin Nogle, The Phinsider
Two answers immediately came to mind. The first being Thanksgiving with my aunt, uncle, and cousins in 1993, all of whom are Dallas Cowboys fans. They non-stopped talked about how the Cowboys were going to dominate all through the game. Leon Lett then touched that blocked field goal attempt. Miami got a second chance and then everyone stopped talking. The second, and this is probably the better answer, is Sept. 23, 2001, sitting in the upper deck, first row at the stadium for the first game after 9/11. Being in that stadium with that feeling of America, plus Jay Fiedler's touchdown to win, with my brother and my mom was a great moment that I will forever be thankful for having.

Mike Oliva, DolphinsTalk.com
I am most thankful for as a Miami Dolphins fan for the interaction and wonderful friends I have made with fellow Miami Dolphins fans from around the country. Running our site DolphinsTalk.com, I interact with thousands of Dolphins fans from all around the United States and the world. Some of which I have become very good friends with and talk to on a regular basis not only about the Dolphins but about other aspects of everyday life. I was able to meet a new group of Dolphins fans this year at Web Weekend put on by the organization and made new friends that I interact with now on a daily basis. So, as a Dolphins fan I am most thankful for the great relationships and friendships I have made with fellow Dolphins fans around the world.
Paul L. Picken Jr., On The FinSide
I have so much to be thankful for as a Dolphins fan that it's hard to pick just one thing. I'm absolutely thankful for the ongoing relationships and friendships between all the fan clubs I've gotten together with, the E-12 crew like Jeff Rudman, Jared Wische and Jen Schultz (who always show so much hospitality!) and the support and friendship with so many Dolphins fans around the globe. Being able to share in this with folks like my family, my father Paul and Uncle Chad in particular, has been amazing and getting to see the friendships they've developed with folks through this is always heartwarming. Seeing the way the comradery opens up for new Dolphins fans, like "my person" Sarah and her son, Ax, that is always a magical experience. I'm also obviously really thankful to the organization for all the opportunities I've been afforded, in particular folks like Scott Stone, Jason Jenkins and Tom Garfinkel have done so much and provided so many opportunities with the team that I grew up loving, I can't thank folks like them enough for making this an organization that has relationships like no other with fans.
Ron Weiss, Ron's World of Miami Dolphins
I'm thankful for the many Miami Dolphins former players I have become good friends with through the years. Mark Duper treats me like family and so many other players I've gotten to know, including Dan Marino, Jim "Crash" Jensen, Mark Higgs, Jeff Cross and William Judson. I'm also thankful for having so many long-time friends of the staff like Stu Weinstein, who has worked over 33 years for the team, and also Scott Stone, who is closing in on 30 years with the team, and Kristin Hingston, who has been there more than 20 years. Thank you all for friendship.