Wendy Fiestas, Phinatic.com
How can the best game in November not be the "Clock Play" game? To stun the Jets 28-24 in their stadium? How can anything ever top that? Dan Marino did his magic again. We were losing by 18 points in the second half. It was all Marino after that. He led a 28-point second-half outburst with all four scores on touchdown passes to Mark Ingram. I'll never forget it. The game winning points came when Marino approached the line of scrimmage and appearing poised to spike the ball. However, he took everyone in the stadium by surprise as he received the snap, faked the spike, dropped back and tossed an eight-yard touchdown pass to Ingram. To this day when I watch the game it still surprises me!

Michael Brothers, Sheddawgs.com
One of my favorite Dolphins November memory has to be the 30-25 win over the Jets. Beating a division rival is always special, but beating a Rex Ryan Jets is extra special!! Ted Ginn's two 100-yard plus TDs were also nice given the "luke warm" reception he was given by the fans since the draft. It was nice to see Ginn be a big contributor in a big win and quiet some of the negativity at least for one week of the season. Let's hope we can add a couple of games to this list to end out this November!

Chris Shashaty, Phins.com
There have been many memorable November victories in Dolphins history, so choosing just one is difficult. One of my favorites was a Thursday night game in 1979 against the New England Patriots in a sold-out Orange Bowl, a game I attended in person. It's a special memory for me because I was with my dad and because it was the last time we saw Bob Griese and Larry Csonka play in person (and Zonk was my dad's favorite Dolphin). Both players were near the end of their Hall of Fame careers; Csonka was on a one-year deal after returning to the Dolphins from disappointing stints with the Giants and the WFL, and Griese had been benched in favor of Don Strock. After Strock struggled in the first half, coach Don Shula brought in Griese to start the second half. He took command and rallied the offense to score 24 points, with Zonk scoring 3 TDs in the game overall to seal a thrilling come-from-behind 39-24 Dolphins win. After Zonk scored his third TD late in the 4th quarter, he and Griese walked off the field arm-in-arm with the crowd cheering them. That moment is one of my all-time favorite Dolphin memories.

Bob Ball, Dolfan UK
It would have to be the 1993 snow game in Dallas when Leon Lett became the Dolphins MVP that day. We were at the game, traveling from Miami with a planeload from the Broward Booster Club. We were in the end where Pete Stoyanovich kicked the field goal. None of us were expecting snow so all of us were frozen.
Michelle Kramers, Dolfans NYC
The November 23rd, 1993 game in the snow is not only my favorite November game, it's my favorite game of all time. We were celebrating Thanksgiving at my aunt and uncle's house, and I was glued to the TV. Not just because the Dolphins were playing, but because they were playing in the snow. At that point, I'd only seen snow once in my life, so everything about winter was always so intriguing to me. Seeing the Miami Dolphins in the snow was mesmerizing. Dinner was just about to start when the first field goal attempt was blocked. We all watched in silence as the ball rolled towards the end zone. Silence turned to absolute pandemonium when Leon Lett tried to get to the football, but slipped into it instead. Miami recovered the fumble, resulting in a 2nd field goal attempt and ultimately a Dolphins victory! The food got a little cold while we watched the end of the game, but it was so worth it.
Carl Leone, Bitchin' Dave's
Without a doubt my most memorable November game was the "Leon Lett Game" in Dallas on Thanksgiving Day 1993. Not because of what happened during that game, which everyone knows about. But because of what followed the rest of the season which one of best friends, Mark, a Steelers fan, still teases me about to this day. After we won that game we were 9-2 and I told Mark it was "top seed, home field throughout" for the Dolphins. Then we lost to the Giants. "Still the 1 seed, we have tie breaker on KC." Then we lost to Pittsburgh. "So what, still the 2 seed with a week off." Then we lost to Buffalo "Ok, we are the top wild card." Then we lost to San Diego. "Still a Wild Card and get in with a win or a Pittsburgh loss." On the final weekend, Pittsburgh scores 10 points in the 4th quarter to beat Cleveland while we go into overtime at New England. Bledsoe leads them to a TD and it's all over but the crying.
Brian Miller, PhinPhanatic.com
My favorite November game was in 1993 when the Dolphins beat the Cowboys on Thanksgiving. The "Leon Lett" game. This was the first Thanksgiving married to my wife and she made me go visit her family for Thanksgiving. They were not big football fans but I convinced my wife's grandfather to put the game on. I got to experience my new family and their holiday rituals and they got to know the "real" me when Leon Lett touched that ball and Pete Stoyonovich kicked the game winner. I don't think they had any idea what kind of rabid fan married into their family. They did after the game!
Mike Oliva, DolphinsTalk.com
My favorite all-time Dolphins November victory is by far the 1993 Thanksgiving game vs. the Dallas Cowboys. Anytime Miami plays in the snow it is always an adventure and anytime Miami has a victory in the snow it is that much sweeter of a win. Dallas was coming off their Super Bowl season and the Dolphins were down to their 3rd string QB and yes, we all remember the game for Leon Lett and what happened in the final seconds, but the moment I remember most is the Keith Byars long TD run and him making snow angles in the end zone. It is one of the very memorable wins in Miami Dolphins history because it was played on Thanksgiving and well because of what Leon Lett did in the final seconds. Nonetheless it is by far my favorite Miami Dolphins November win.
Alan Paternoster, Finatics.com
Without question, my favorite November game was the November 25, 1993 game AKA the Leon Lett Thanksgiving snow game. My buddy Jeff was living in Texas at the time, and got tickets for the game and invited my brother Glenn who was stationed in San Antonio and myself living in Florida to go with him. It was unclear to us when the play developed what exactly was going on, but when we found out that the Dolphins recovered the ball after the blocked Stoyanovich kick was touched by Leon Lett, it was complete celebration! It is always awesome attending an away game win, but this one was even better since it one of the most memorable Miami Dolphins wins of all time.
Paul Picken Jr, On The FinSide
The "Leon Lett" game in 1993 will forever be etched into my brain. We were at my grandparents watching the game that was surprisingly played in the snow out in Dallas, and it was a total mess of a game and the field was slick as anything. Watching the slides through the snow, followed by the blocked kick that should've one the game for Dallas, followed by the mad scramble for the ball that resulted in Miami recovering and getting a 2nd attempt to win the game was such a memorable experience.