Davie, Fla. – The Miami Dolphins today hosted the Cypress Bay High School football team and Boca Braves and Weston Warriors of Gold Coast Pop Warner at training camp practice. The teams were given a tour of the Baptist Health Training Facility at Nova Southeastern University and heard from Miami Dolphins Football Communications Manager and Cypress Bay alum Brett Brecheisen about taking advantage of all opportunities.
The teams had the chance to watch the Dolphins practice, meet with current players on the field and had lunch provided by Publix. Following practice, the Boca Braves and Weston Warriors scrimmaged on the Dolphins' field.
The Cypress Bay team also was presented with a Dolphins jersey in memory of assistant coach Carlo "C.J." Ullysse Jr. who tragically lost his life last week.

"The Dolphins do a great job with reaching out in a supportive manner and bringing the kids out to learn and watch and be a part of it," Cypress Bay High School Head Football Coach Josh Shapiro said. "We're very thankful. This is awesome. We're going to put a memorial up of Coach C.J. in the weight room – he was one of our strength and conditioning guys – so this just means the world to us."
"Growing up, the Dolphins were my favorite team, so coming back and seeing the players is a great experience," Cypress Bay High School football player William Wilson said. "I learned today to take everything seriously. You never know what you're going to do in the future, so take everything and learn."
"This is an amazing thing. This is something that no kid really gets to be able to do. Being able to have them come out and see players doing the things we do on a daily basis reinforces the fact that if they do the right things, they can be in the same place," Boca Braves Head Football Coach Ken Chapman said. "The impact that these players have on children and the public, it's amazing for them to take time, give back. They're in a position to be able to influence the children of today, so I think it's phenomenal"

"The boys got really excited to come see a professional practice, to see these big men move fast. They get to have a blast and be able to scrimmage against another team. It's so cool to see an NFL team give back to the community," Weston Warriors Head Football Coach Brian McCartney said.
As part of the Miami Dolphins' commitment to the development of high school and youth football, the team hosted 24 high school and youth teams from Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties at the team's training camp practices. The team visits, initiated by Dolphins Head Coach Adam Gase, are a targeted effort to recognize, inspire and increase football participation through personal connections centered on the positive character building aspects of playing the game.
Photo gallery: Cypress Bay High School and Gold Coast Pop Warner attend practice.

The Junior Dolphins program encourages youth players and coaches to teach, learn and play football in a fun and safe environment. The Junior Dolphins program is designed to give kids access to learn the fundamentals of football using the NFL's top resources. To grow the game, the Junior Dolphins program will work to educate coaches, parents and youth on the health and safety of football with a strong emphasis on character development. Junior Dolphins is building the next generation of Dolphins Fans.